Declaration Speech 2020...
and now 2024
[*same speech, pretty much]
“For the past 20 years we’ve had U.S. presidents who have either graduated from Harvard or Yale (Donald Trump notwithstanding). Apparently whatever they teach you at Harvard or Yale doesn’t equip you to solve the problems of the day. Or they’d be solved. What they’ve gotten over the past 20 years is: worse.” --Joe
The nuclear proliferation nightmare goes on and on... worldpolicy.org photo
School shootings seem "normal" now.
politicalears.com photo
Inner city war zones and poverty keep getting worse.
poverties.org photo
global warming doomsday continues wno.org photo
The national debt (and counting) our kids will inheirit...
tipstrading.com graphic

*1 in 3 Americans now get cancer during their lifetime
health-innovations.org photo
America has more incarcerations per capita than any other country in the world, and a crime rate that is off the charts. [pacingforward.com photo]

America now has a 65% divorce rate, broken families everywhere... womensforum.com photo

Some 140 Americans die every day from opioid overdose, and millions are addicted.
[Hospital & Health Networks photo]
Some 22 military veterans commit suicide every day in America. That's more than 8,000 veterans a year! [Veterans Today photo]
*America. The best country in the world? If it is, then the whole world is in extremely bad shape. Just sayin'.