Joe & Liz as Lay Catholic Speakers
"They said we were crazy to..."
An apostolate overview:
“Mr. Schriner is one of the most clear, persuasive and powerful speakers I’ve heard.” --Fr. Stephen Stanbery, Sacred Heart Church, New Bavaria, Ohio.
Joe's short Communion Reflection on Abortion.

"Mr. Schriner's [Communion Reflection] is the most impacting pro-life talk I have ever heard."
- Pastor Thomas Weise,
St. Patrick's Church, Phenix City, Alabama
"Joe and Liz came to the class superbly prepared and had the students spellbound..." - Bluffton University Professor, Perry Bush.

For a list of Joe and Liz talks go to...
Note: The following are excerpts from a number of reference letters about our ministry. *These are not endorsements of our political campaign. Because of its non-profit status, the Catholic Church is prohibited from specifically endorsing a particular candidate, etc.
As the audio recording on this page notes, for the past decade, or so, I have been a “lay Catholic speaker.” (This has been separate from the campaign.) I have talked in some 1,000 churches across the country, often giving what are referred to as “Communion Reflections” on such topics as: abortion, the HHS Mandate, marriage, a Consistent Life Ethic…
A “Consistent Life Ethic,” for instance, reflects Catholic Church teaching in regard to there being a respect for life “…from the womb to the tomb.”
That is, the Catholic Church stands, not only against abortion, but against: poverty, racial discrimination, nuclear proliferation, euthanasia, poor environmental stewardship… and anything else that can lead to ending life prematurely.
During the talks I give, whether at Mass, or in prayer groups, or youth groups, and so on, I often look at contemporary issues through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. It is my contention that after 2,000 years of considered prayer and thought about almost every social issue imaginable, Catholic Church teaching is, indeed, much worth considering.
Exerpts from Reference Letters
“Mr. Schriner’s pro-life talk is the most impacting I have ever heard.” -- Fr. Thom Weis, pastor of St. Patrick’s Church, Phenix City, Alabama.
“His [Schriner’s] message is brief and to the point, quite challenging and profound – and yet inspiring. I highly recommend Joe and his prophetic message.” --Fr. Stephen Blum, pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Church, Lima, Ohio.
“Mr. Schriner is one of the most clear, persuasive and powerful speakers I’ve heard.” --Fr. Stephen Stanbery, Sacred Heart Church, New Bavaria, Ohio.
“I believe [Mr. Schriner] is an inspiration for all of us, especially our young people.” --Monsignor Lawrence Luciana, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Huntington, West Virginia.
“Joe is very knowledgeable about the topic [HHS Mandate] and presents the facts very well... What is really special about this presentation is that Joe presents it with passion for his faith and strong conviction of the facts… I would strongly encourage you to invite Joe to speak in your parish on this topic, or the very excellent job he does on a talk concerning “Consistent Life Ethic.” --Fr. Nicholas Cunningham, pastor of Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish, Shelby, Ohio.
“It’s a hard message to hear and certainly a harder one to preach… Joe Schriner is a well- educated man who, along with his family, have set themselves to a ‘mission of life.’ –Fr. John Cayor, Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church, Crestview, Florida
As we've traveled, we've regularly stood in solidarity with people protesting abortion. We've protested in: Fargo, North Dakota; Bakersfield, California; Marquette, Michigan; Las Cruces, New Mexico; Warren, Ohio... to name a few. Here our family joined a group protesting in front of an abortion clinic in Ocala, Florida. It is our belief abortion won't end until enough people take to the streets regularly to create a climate similar to what was created in the south to end Segregation. --Joe
Read Joe’s “Life Issues” position paper
Read some of Joe’s blog entries about abortion
Read Joe’s column on abortion… appeared in the News Democrat newspaper, Georgetown, OH