Joe was born 3/3/55 in Cleveland. His father was a naval aviator. Shortly after his birth, Joe and his mother went to the Navy base in Pensacola, Florida so Joe Sr. could see his son for the first time.

This was a "press pass" picture from Joe's college internship at the Troy Daily News in Ohio.

Joe (#11, just to the right of the football) was the starting quarterback on his high school junior varsity team.

Joe met and married his wife Liz in Homer, Alaska. They got married on a beach there in January. They subsequently honeymooned at a "fishing cabin" on Seldovia Island, Alaska -- where there was no Champaign Jacuzzi.

The Schriners spent a couple years on the Eastern Shore of Maryland on a small "farmstead," where they started to raise a family -- including several goats.
Early Campaign Years

Keene, New Hampshire campaign event

Praying in Nebraska

State Park in Pennsylvania

Liz in Winslow, Arizona

Dancing with "Cinderella" in southern Minnesota

Mankato, Minnesota Bicycle Tour Stop

interview during the start of Campaign 2004
Joe's "Amish kids" at a stop in Tennessee
Mid Campaign Years

Joseph and friend in South Bend, Indiana
Sarah and friends in MA

Jonathan plays croquet in ID

The different "faces" of: Joe
From left to right:
Campaign speech Steubenville, Ohio
Work site, Bluffton, Ohio
Fox News interview Southeastern Ohio

The Schriners spent a week on an organic farm in Lisbon, Ohio during Campaign 2008. These are scenes from that stay, including some horsing around, literally.

Joe and Liz's urban Cleveland soccor team

Sarah at yet another country store on the back roads
Liz and Jonathan play in our urban Cleveland backyard
At our rainwater barrel (above left)
Sarah in the garden

Sandlot field, Scio, Ohio

Atlanta, GA lumberjack
In more recent years...

In recent years, Liz has started two local magazines, ran in a marathon and tends a big garden behind the family home on Main Street in Bluffton. For more on Liz, see her page(s). [update 4/10/17: Liz has recently taken a job as a "Major Gift Officer" in Franciscan University's Development Department.]

In recent years, Sarah went to Bluffton High School in Ohio, where she played soccer, basketball, ran track and was on the high school peer mediation team. She is now at Franciscan University, where she's majoring in social work and minoring in soccer and basketball. For more on Sarah, see her page(s).
[update 4/10/17: Sarah is now a Junior at Franciscan.]

In recent years, Joseph has been attending Bluffton High School where his favorite subjects are art and industrial tech. He also plays football, basketball and baseball. During the summers, he works on a local farm. For more on Joseph, see his page(s). [update 4/10/17: Joseph is now a Freshman at Franciscan University of Steubenville, majoring in business and playing basketball and soccer.]

In recent years, Jonathan has started attending Bluffton Middle School. He plays soccer, basketball and is the school's 'ambassador to Chile.' For more on Jonathan, see his page(s). [update 4/10/17: Jonathan is an eighth grader at Bishop Mussio Catholic Junior High School in Steubenville, where, besides his studies, he is playing basketball and soccer.]

In recent years, Joe has been painting more houses, writing for his wife's magazines and for the local town newspaper, cutting the grass... oh yeah, and he continues to run for president. Of the United States. Of America. For more on Joe, see his page(s). [update 4/10/17: Joe is now painting houses and continuing to run for president out of Steubenville, Ohio. When he's not attending his kids sporting events, that is.]

Jamestown Sun News photo (New York)

Update 10/13/17. Time marches on... Sarah is now a senior at Franciscan U. And these are some photos from her Homecoming soccer game. (They won in overtime!). Joseph is now a sophomore at Franciscan U. He's getting ready for the basketball season. Jonathan is now a freshman at Bluffton High School where he is playing varsity soccer, giving his mom Parent's Night carnations, going to Homecoming dances, and using more hair glue than I ever thought possible. I, in turn, am long past the hair glue stage and just, well, contemplating yet more of 'Life in the Middle.'

Youngstown Vindicator photo